Even when you are not a party to a litigation, one or more parties to the litigation can issue a subpoena to you. Responding to the subpoena in a timely manner is mandatory. One type of subpoena requires that you gather and submit documents in several categories. Another type of subpoena seeks testimony and requires your personnel to submit to a deposition. Either type of subpoena can put your trade secret and other technology rights at risk, particularly if the subpoena requests are overbroad. Responding to a subpoena requires fast action because of tight deadlines relating to objections, motions to quash or modify, protective orders, protecting attorney-client privileged documents, protecting attorney work product documents, limiting the scope of subpoena requests, cost shifting, negotiating scope with the issuing party, and the like. Gathering documents and preparing personnel for depositions also takes time and cannot be left to the last minute. Kagan Binder has worked with parties to respond to and defend against subpoenas where response to the subpoena puts technology at risk. If you are served with a subpoena of this type, engage counsel right away. Engage Kagan Binder.